Friday, September 26, 2008

Some Music for My Friends

Some of you may know that I am playing in a currently unnamed band that is seeking a singer. Yes, we have about seven songs and lyrics to go with those songs... just no singer. If anybody knows someone that can sing and is looking for a band, let me know.

This unnamed project of ours likes to jam at our practices. We also like to record these jams using a Zoom H2 digital reorder (another shameless promotion: I work for the company that acts as the United States distributor for all Zoom gear). The jams aren't all gold, but some of them are pretty tasty (at least in our opinion). So I've decided to host links to some of these more "tasty jams." Just click the title of the blog post and check out the file on my box (haha) account.

This music is purely improv--and may or may not be marijuana influenced--but if you're looking for some new tunes to check out, it's worth a listen. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog could really use an iPod dock maaaaaaaan.