Monday, September 29, 2008

More Tuneage

Some more jammage for anyone interested. This one takes a little while to get going, but once we settle into a groove, it rocks pretty hard. And we have settled on a band name...


Now we just need a singer!

And yes, I do have some more creative writing in the works, but I'm also offering my thoughts on a novel my sister has written (clearly we know who the more focused and motivated of the two Soviero children is), so that has been a priority since she is planning on submitting the piece for a writing competition.

But I plan on having some more creative ish up by mid-week, if not sooner.

For now, click on the blog title to hear some music.

1 comment:

Elad said...

sounds pretty chill man, could definitely benefit having a good vocalist. good luck with the search at least. look forward to soem more jam-age